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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Portland owes me a new sign

I don't know a lot of things.
I don't know the capital of Wisconsin.
I don't know how to make proper mac and cheese.
I don't know as much as I probably should by now about the female menstrual cycle.
But I do know this: Portland loves All Time Low.

It was kind of ridiculous last night.

It all started like any other day.
We loaded in at the Hawthorne Theatre, most of us walked around and filled up on coffee and vintage novelty T-shirts, it began to hail the most painful hail ever (I came up with the idea of making a high-priced spa for wealthy older women where we stand them in their underwear before an industrial fan and then blast them with hail to facilitate exfoliation), then we opened doors.

Forever The Sickest Kids were widely embraced, Sonny won over a ton of new fans, the Matches (who were our table signers for the day) elicited screams from teenage girls that were actually so high-pitched that we received reports that 431 dolphins somewhere offshore in the Pacific suffered instantaneous embolisms and the Rocket Summer played what I believe to be a clinic in showmanship.

Then came the chants for ATL. When they took the stage, I had to put my hoodie up just to shield my eardrums from the deafening roar. It quickly became clear as there was a steady stream of stagedivers and crowdsurfers (literally one every 1.2 seconds) that it was their best show of the tour and later, as Jack would procaim, likely their best show ever. 

On Warped Tour, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing someone humming "Misery Business" by Paramore. On this one, the song that you can't get out of your head with needle-nosed pliers is All Time Low's cover of Rhianna's "Umbrella." Seriously. I paid an exorcist $45 to get it out of my head, but as soon as I left, even he was singing the refrain. (Actually, I'm not sure that guy was an exorcist. Legitimate ones probably don't also do blacktop repair on the side.)

By the end of ATL's set, Alex had taken his wireless mic and guitar to the back of the venue and played "Shameless" from the merch table and our two big tour banners on either side of the club were trampled under 75 tons of unbridled teenage repressed sexuality. The band were forced (physically) back out for an encore, even though most of their gear had been demolished, bassist Zack Merrick had already cleared out of the venue and most of the security staff were sobbing on the floor in the fetal position. I think the band actually ran out of songs since they ended up covering Blink's "Dammit" to the extreme pleasure of everyone within a 6 mile radius. After the show, it took a team of 13 venue employees to clean the ravaged girls' bathroom, as I saw many grown men visibly weeping and traumatized.

So the bus is pulling up to our Seattle venue and I have to unload. 
Come by.
Who knows if this place will still be standing tomorrow.


LaDiDa said...

i must say. that concert was fucking crazy. no offense to jack, but i think it was pretty stupid to stage dive into a crowd that had been trying to fondle him for the past 45 minutes. truely crazy. (although extremely entertaining.) i walked out with much damage myself. nice to know you love boring old portland :D

capture this void said...

Sounds pretty crazy.

Anonymous said...

Yep, it was pretty insane. I got kicked in the head about 10 times from crowd surfers. And when Jack decided to crowd surf and fall....he fell right on top of me and I am currently covered in bruised from that one. Not to mention when he was finally pulled up out of the giant pile of people either knocked over with him or that jumped on top of him out of excitement, his crotch was shoved into my face. I have to say that was one of the most insane crowds I have ever seen/been in the middle of. I just wish I hadn't of had to leave right when the show ended and didn't get to meet any of the bands.

Victoria said...

Wow that sounded amazing...

LaDiDa said...

yea. my friend was also under that big pile that was jack. she lost a contact. ha. we told jack afterwords and he sounded concerned. but it was cute :D

Anonymous said...

That was the most amazing concert I have ever been to!!
They all rocked hard, what did they expect?
I'd like to apologize if i kicked you in the head while I was crowd surfingg.
It really is nicee to know that Portland was special for you guys in some way!!
I even was in the mosh pit at billions of points! I'm pretty sure everyone was at one point.
After the show Alex came out to the buses and I finally got to talk to himm.
And Brycee did too!!

Anonymous said...

"Dammit" is the song they always play for an encore, so it's no surprise that's what they did.
I personally got kicked in the head from multiple crowd surfers also and was front row for Alex's little merch table performance.
I felt bad that Dustin and Scuz had to create a barricade with their bodies, but it was much better than the former position I had been in - slammed on top of the table itself.

overall, it was an amazing show, and I'm not just saying that.

Anonymous said...

Dude, This show sounds sickk.
I wish I was there.
Jack? Stage diving ontop of me? Sweeet xD

All of you guys abovw have mentioned how beat up you are.
I cannot wait.

I hope Orlandos as pumped.
I know I will be.

One question though, how do you find out about signings? And do the guys normally come out afterwards?

Anonymous said...

This was the best, most awesome show I've ever been to. Every band was sooooo good. My friend got crushed against the wall and almost stomped all over and Tim actually ran over and helped get her up and pulled her out of the way. I was actually a little scared! Thanks, Tim!!!! But it was still amaaaaaaaazing!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know the capital of Wisconsin.

.. now you do..
it's madison.

but get ready for milwaukee :)
i'll see you soon.

Anonymous said...

Wait until they come to DC's show, now THAT is going to be insane (;

no but woah dude that's amazing.
All Time Low is beast.

capture this void said...

Photos, s'il vous plait?

LaDiDa said...

ATL came out by the buses after they took "showers" they still smelled like shit to me. i didn't notice bryce come out. maybe he came after i left. but then ftsk had a signing after they performed over by merch. and the matches had a signing before the show even started. i think it said like 6:40 or something. i wasn't even in yet. i was interview ftsk :D then i think sonny was outside by the van after too.

hope that helps

Anonymous said...

That sucks. I'm glad I didn't lose a contact, I would have been blind without them. But I was sad, I wanted to meet Jack and make him give me a hug for an apology for my beat up rib cage : ]

Felicia said...

Yeahhh Portland was (well, IS) insane. :P Now that I think of it, Alex totally could have calmed down the drunk people with a nice "Remembering Sunday." :D but maybe he didn't have an acoustic or something.

There were so many crowdsurfers they actually screwed up a lot of ATL's equipment. There was only one working guitar left by the end.

I'll try putting up some pictures on my blog by tonight. I even have some of Alex's pink undies and Jack stage diving. =O Sooo come check it out. ;)

Thanks for the posters BTW Tim.

Unknown said...

I remember the girl who lost her contact! Jack was like "WOO! I wear contacts too1"

That show was absolutely amazingg.

Anonymous said...

it really was a good show even though most of the crowd was there for all time low. the matches was so jam packed u could barely move and i'm a huge(er) sonny fan. mostly because sonny and aaron are so unbelievable nice. if your reading this davis says "hi"

Unknown said...

Craziest night of my life!!! People kept moshing,shoving, and crowd surfing to get to the front and I barely had enough time to breathe in between. Then Jack stage diving....yea...I was the girl on the very bottom...and the one who lost the contact.

It's ok though, I forgive Jack, cuz he gave me a hug and all that jazz :D

I'm still discovering bruises that I didn't know I had....