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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rain, rain, go away.

Dear New Haven,

Why have you decided to rain on us all day long? It's really put a crimp in my off-day. My friend Matt came to pick me up this afternoon with initial plans of exploring Yale, but due to Mother Nature being on the rag, we instead headed over to the Italian portion of the city, where we indulged in a late lunch at Pepe's, where as legend has it, pizza was more or less invented. It was fantastic, and now I have a fridge full of cold pizza for lunch tomorrow. Thank god for silver linings.

Most of today has been spent in the bus, just sort of sitting around. (Stupid rain.) I did get to expose the Matches dudes to some sweet music, including Wheat, the Dismemberment Plan and the new Death Cab For Cutie and Weezer records. It was Jam Central USA on our bus today, for sure. Throw in some Chinese food and we made lemonade out of some pretty waterlogged lemons.

As we approach the final four shows of the AP Tour, I just want to remind you all of the following:

1. If you come to the show and don't already subscribe to the magazine, you're entitled to a free one-year subscription to Alternative Press Magazine. I'm amazed at how many people don't know this (or even worse, don't even know what AP is!). Take advantage of our sweet deal, people!
2. Even if you already subscribe, make sure to swing by the AP table regardless to get free posters of the AP Tour bands as well as free magazines. At Krazy Scott's Sponsor Table, everything must go go go! We're slashing prices!
3. We're doing a signing with one of the AP Tour bands every night between when doors open and when the first band starts, so show up early to see who's signing that night and then get your autograph on.

Oh yeah, one more thing: Rockstar Energy Drink just dropped off roughly a ton of cans of their liquid gold for you, the lovely AP Tour attendee, to sample/get energized off of. Be on the lookout for people handing these out:

See you all at Toad's Place tonight!


Random Hero said...

" new Death Cab For Cutie and Weezer records"

I'm assuming you are just talking about 'Pork & Beans' because if you have access to the new record, I might just have to hunt you down =]

Anonymous said...

scott, with all the down time, you think you could've answered my question: does shawn have some latin in him?

Anonymous said...

Shawn's Italian with some Cherokee Indian...

Anonymous said...

you let RAIN wreck your day?...ehhh!If I was in a town I had never been in before, i would DEF not sit on a bus.

Anonymous said...

Haha, I'll see you tomorrow! Hopefully the weather will be good.

Unknown said...

there is nothing more fun than the yale quad in the rain!
or just chill under the vanderbilt arch. it has benches :]