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Monday, April 14, 2008

How do you pronounce this town's name?

Last night the AP Tour made its mark on Norfolk, Virginia. Most of the bands seemed to have (mostly on purpose) trouble pronouncing the name on this town. I'll let you all use your imagination as to what it may have come out sounding like.

So the show at the NorVa was nearly sold out--it was a good crowd and people seemed to be into the music. We did a signing with the Rocket Summer that was so massive, I had to unfortunately cut the line so as not to interfere with Forever The Sickest Kids set... Most of the people waiting in line to meet to Bryce were pretty understanding, so I am thankful for that. The last think you want on your hands is a bunch of angry Rocket Summer fans, though I think that's an oxymoron.

As far as the show went, everyone played really well. Sonny by far gets the props for best set--about half-way through, his computer programming went down. He soldiered on, playing some songs semi-acoustic and improvising without the programming. Turns out at least one of the songs his drummer had never even played before, but you wouldn't have known it, as they all still sounded awesome. I was glad to have them back in the lineup last night.

After the show, while some people frequented the hot tub backstage, another group of us headed out to hit up downtown Norfolk. Since it was Sunday night, not too much was going on, but we found two open bars for a mini "bar crawl." All of the Rocket Summer dudes (plus Tara) came out, as well as Matt from the Matches, his awesome girlfriend Erin, Erica and Lycia. At the sports bar down the street from the venue, arm wrestling ensued and several spud mountains (fries, cheese, bacon crumbles and ranch) were consumed. Both keys to a good night.

Back on the bus at bus call, everyone hung out for a couple hours before heading to bed. Somehow we all started trying to remember those handclap/chants from when we were little kids (aka: "Down, down baby, down by the roller coaster, sweet, sweet baby I'll never let you go...). The cool thing about that is that we all grew up in different parts of the country, but we all knew the same ditties. It's a cool cultural thing, I guess, as you would think some of that stuff would be much more regional than national. We were also serenaded by Shawn, Justin and Erica playing tunes on beverage bottles. All in all, it was a musical evening, both on and off the bus.

Now, we're in lovely Myrtle Beach! I'm currently hanging out in our day room, waiting for my chance to shower. I plan to get some work done, possibly take a walk to the beach and get some sushi with our awesome tour manager, Indy. We will see you all tomorrow in Charlotte--nice and refreshed!


Unknown said...

hahaha that rollercoaster chant just sent me on a total "Big" flashback!! although, i wish i was old enough to remember doing them myself!

Anonymous said...

"The last think you want on your hands is a bunch of angry Rocket Summer fans, though I think that's an oxymoron"

you guys crack me up. that was the funniest thing i've heard all day :]