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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

San, Fran. (And a little leftover L.A., too.)

Hey there.
Alas, for those of you who've grown accustomed to the acerbic wit and observational humor of Chris (formerly of this blog), yesterday in L.A. was his last day.
For the next couple weeks, you're gonna have to settle for the sophomoric wit and obscure references of me--AP's associate editor Tim.
Believe me, I truly do feel for you and I miss Chris more than any of his groupies (yes, the man has groupies) ever could. 
So I met up with the tour yesterday in the midst of setting up at the Henry Fonda Theater, right under the Hollywood sign (and across from a tremendous mural of Owen Wilson) in Los Angeles.
Don't tell my general manager, but my cab ride from the airport cost $50, mostly because the driver was apparently looking fruitlessly for the Jane Fonda Theater. We both had a good laugh about it as I stiffed him on the tip. 

So the Hollywood show was rad. I stood at the doors pimping our autograph session with Forever The Sickest Kids as the ticket counter girl was astounded at the crazy amount of fans who were lined up clear down Hollywood Boulevard past seven Starbucks locations.
(Side note: A dude actually said to me: "Forever The Sickest Kids are so sick!" As he walked away chugging a Rockstar Energy Drink and pumping his fists, I whispered to myself, "Sick forever, my friend. Sick forever.")
I really thought we would encounter a few celebrities at the show (I had my fingers crossed for Jenna Fischer and/or John Stamos), but if they were around, I musta missed 'em. However, our street teamer said she saw Tate Donovan running into the venue, and I couldn't have imagined anyone would ever make that up, so it must've happened. Meg and Dia, however, did show up in time for the rooftop after-party, where I had a quick meet and greet with Bryce Avary (who immediately endeared himself to me when I was introduced to him as "Tim from AP" and he said, "Wait. Are you Tim Karan?" and I said, "Why yes. You're the first person who's ever known who I was from my bylines ever."

Since I was still on Eastern time, by the time I hit my bunk at 3 a.m., it was actually 6 a.m. to me and I'd been up for something like 32 hours.

And here I am today, literally typing on my knees behind the AP table at San Francisco's pretty amazing Grand Ballroom. It would be way grander if I had a chair, but I'll cope. Right now, there's another ridiculous line of you awesome people winding down the street. I just hung out a little with Sonny Moore (who's signing at our table tonight at 6:20 and is very, very tiny and adorable.)

So if you're reading this at home in the Bay area or on your iPhone in line, swing by and say hi. I'll be the guy who looks like he's been up for something like 46 hours and screaming about how you need to pick up your free subscription. Seriously. It's free. Don't be suspicious. A dude in a dirty white v-neck would never lie to you.

AP Tim


capture this void said...

The man has groupies?! Christ!

Anyway, hi. Good to read you.

I must say, you had me giggling away at your comment about Sonny. Tiny, indeed, but with a big heart.

Anonymous said...

Sonny is most definitely tiny and adorable, but as the person before me said: "Tiny, indeed, but with a big heart."

Anonymous said...

Tim, I think you'll do great replacing Chris (;

Aww Sonny, teeny tiny.

Anonymous said...

DUDE, I know you from your bylines too. Doesn't that count??((:

Anonymous said...

Tim! I thought your booth was by the merch and didn't know where the booth was, so I ended up not turning in the thing.. is there anyway I can like.. mail you the paper instead? I promised my friend I'd get her a year since I'm already subscribed.. :(

Anonymous said...

Loved your story, but we like anything you write cause we're your Mom and Dad. Love you

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim. I'm the girl you made sing a Boyz 2 Men song for a poster in SF. Remember? You were so funny and sweet me and my friends were going to go to the Sacramento show but it was sold out. :*(