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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Salt Lake Pity Me

So I tried, guys.
I tried to soldier on, but having no voice in a position that requires me to answer one question per every 4.3 seconds wasn't my idea of a perfect Monday.
Most of you understood, but the sign I was forced to put up after five minutes seemed only to elicit more tilted heads and the apparent need to answer more questions.
I apologize if I seemed flustered. 
But thanks to all you guys who offered up advice for my predicament. I ended up running to Target with our tour manager/all-around rad guy Indy and we loaded up on tea, cough syrup, cough drops and beer (come on, we're still on tour). I felt a little better and my voice almost existed.

But enough about my sickly ass.
You guys are here to hear about the show.
Thankfully, it was actually in a larger venue (for the first time in a few days), which kept the chaos at a tolerable level. Still, it's becoming more and more clear that this is like a dream line-up. The first kids at my table were astounded that Forever The Sickest Kids would actually be the first band. "Are you freaking crazy? I can't believe they're the openers," said Kid 1. I said, "..........." because I can't say anything. But he could tell from my eyes that it was true. We were like that. And I'll miss him.

But I keep overhearing kids saying that it's the best concert they've ever been to. I buy that from the fact that I'm often afraid for my life anytime Shawn Harris is within six feet of my table (three girls today attempted to build a crude catapult using my table, six feet of gaffers tape, me and the rest of my cheesesteak sub to get to him) and after every show, I see hordes of kids pulling whatever memorabilia they can from the walls or bodies of anyone affiliated with the show.

It seems like the buzz might be building.

Anyway, as I type this to you now, we've just left Salt Lake City and we're headed to Boulder, Colorado. We'll be taking an infamous stretch of road through the mountains that, lucky for us, is actually covered in snow right now and is (as of right now) actually closed. We hear that it'll reopen sometime in the middle of the night, so hopefully we'll have no problems, but let me tell you this: Our bus driver has stared down stampeding Peruvian hippos and he does not look all that confident at the moment. 

The Matches are tough dudes, but I don't know if we can push this rig up a mountain. I'll try to let you guys know we made it as soon as I can.


AP Tim


capture this void said...

Aw, you had to resort into making a sign! It was that bad, huh?

I'm glad to hear the advice of these wonderful people have helped.

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better.